136 research outputs found

    Intervenções privadas na comunicação pública do governo de Jair Bolsonaro: os vieses moralistas e religiosos

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    A pesquisa dessa dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a interferência de interesses privados na comunicação pública do governo de Jair Bolsonaro, determinados pela presença do viés moralista e do viés religioso. No objeto empírico constituído por discursos e produtos da comunicação governamental, veiculados tanto em canais institucionais quanto coordenados diretamente pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro, buscou-se compreender de que maneira os elementos moralistas, advindos da dimensão familiar e cultural de cada indivíduo, assim como os religiosos, que afrontam o Estado laico, incidem na comunicação pública. Os principais conceitos que norteiam esta pesquisa estão calcados principalmente nas noções de comunicação pública, a partir de Esteves (2011), Gomes (2008) e Weber (2017); Nas abordagens de religião nas teorias sociológicas de Bourdieu (2011) e Weber (2013); Nas definições sobre democracia, propostas por Dahl (2001) e Bobbio (2007). A metodologia utilizada incluiu pesquisa exploratória, histórico-documental e a definição do corpus de pesquisa constituído por conteúdos oficiais da comunicação do governo (sistema de comunicação institucional) e aqueles definidos pelo presidente (comunicação presidencial). Foram analisados símbolos, slogans, bordões, campanhas publicitárias; agendas presidenciais; discursos presidenciais e, especialmente, 1225 postagens do perfil do presidente Jair Bolsonaro na rede social Instagram. Através do software NVivo, os posts foram classificados conforme a sua vinculação aos temas políticos e a temas sensíveis e, a seguir, valorados de acordo com as categorias de análise “comunicação pública” e “viés moralista e viés religioso”. O estudo concluiu sobre a forte incidência de interesse privados e da comunicação particular do presidente que se sobrepõem à normatividade da comunicação pública imanente aos princípios republicanos, obstruindo, assim, elementos basilares das relações sociais e enfraquecendo a democracia.This dissertation research aims to analyze the privates interests interference in the public communication of President JairBolsonaro, determined by the presence of moralistic and religious bias. In the empirical object constituted by speeches and products of government communication, broadcast both through institutional media and coordinated directly by President Jair Bolsonaro, we searched to understand how the moral elements, arising from the family and cultural dimension of each individual, as well as the religious elements, which affront the secular State, affect public communication. Thus, the mainly concepts that guide the research have been done by principles of public communication from Esteves (2011), Gomes 92008) and Weber (2017); In approaches to religion in sociological theories as Bourdieu (2011), Weber (2013); The methodology used included exploratory, historical-documentary research and the definition of the research corpus consisting of official contents of government communication (institutional communication system) and those defined by the president (presidential communication). Symbols, slogans, catchphrases, advertising campaigns, presidential agendas, presidential speeches were analyzed, especially, 1225 posts of President Jair Bolsonaro's profile on the Instagram social media. Through the NVivo software, the posts were classified according to their link to political issues and sensitive issues, and then valued according to the analysis categories “public communication” and “moralistic and religious bias”. The study concluded that on the strong incidence of private interests and the president's private communication that supersede the normativity of public communication immanent to republican principles, thus blocking basic elements of social relations and weakening democracy

    Household food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents : a validation study

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    Objetivo: os objetivos do trabalho foram avaliar a validade interna e a capacidade preditiva da escala de segurança alimentar de seis itens aplicada a adolescentes. Métodos: foi um estudo transversal com amostra representativa de adolescentes brasileiros (N=14.690), realizado em escolas públicas e privadas nas 26 capitais de estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal por meio de questionário online. Resultados: a maior parte dos respondentes era do sexo feminino (53,2%), com idade média de 14,4 anos, sendo 72,7% de escolas públicas. O comportamento da escala, observado pelo modelo de Rasch, foi melhor sem o item cinco, apresentando valores ótimos de Infit e nível de severidade crescente entre os itens. O alfa de Cronbach foi 0,77, e as análises do funcionamento diferencial dos itens mostraram comportamento dos itens semelhante entre os subgrupos avaliados. A análise fatorial mostrou a unidimensionalidade do instrumento. Conclusão: foi proposta a retirada do item cinco e novos pontos de corte para a escala curta de segurança alimentar. A escala curta de segurança alimentar é válida e confiável para mensurar insegurança alimentar domiciliar entre adolescentes brasileiros.Objective: the objective of this study was to evaluate the internal and predictive validity of a six-item household food insecurity scale to measure food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents. Methods: a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of Brazilian adolescents (N=14,690) was conducted in public and private schools in 26 state capitals and in the Federal District of Brazil using an online questionnaire. Results: most respondents were female (53.2%) with mean age of 14.4 years, and 72.7% of them attended public schools. The psychometric properties of the scale, assessed using the Rasch model, showed better response rates without the item five, exhibiting optimal Infit statistics and an increasing level of severity among the items. Cronbach's á was 0.767. Differential item functioning analyses showed similar behavior between the items in the subgroups evaluated. Factor analysis confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale. Conclusion: this study proposes the removal of the item five and the inclusion of new cut-off points for this short form of the scale. The Household Food Security Scale (short form) is valid and reliable to measure household food insecurity in Brazilian adolescents

    MirrorSAR: An HRWS Add-On for Single-Pass Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry

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    This paper reports the Phase A study results of the interferometric extension of the High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) mission with three MirrorSAR satellites. According to the MirrorSAR concept, small, low cost, transponder-like receive-only satellites without radar signal demodulation, digitization, memory storage, downlink, and synchronization are added to the planned German X-band HRWS mission. The MirrorSAR satellites fly a triple helix orbit in close formation around the HRWS orbit and span multiple single-pass interferometric baselines. A comprehensive system engineering and performance analysis is provided that includes orbit formation, MirrorLink, Doppler steering, antenna pattern and swath design, multi-static echo window timing, SAR performance, height performance and coverage analysis. The overall interferometric system design analysis of Phase A is presented. The predicted performance of the global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to presently available global DEM products like the TanDEM-X DEM

    Sentinel-1 instruments status and product performance update for 2023

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    The Copernicus program, and particularly Sentinel-1, are among the largest Earth Observation SAR data providers, serving an ever-increasing number of services, users, and applications. A key aspect of the program is the constant provision of quality data, which requires long term engagement to carefully monitor, preserve, and even improve the system performances. These tasks are mainly carried out within the SAR Mission Performance Cluster (SAR-MPC), an international consortium of SAR experts in charge of the continuous monitoring of the Sentinel-1 instruments status and of the L1 and L2 products quality. This paper provides an update on the monitoring and the actions implemented by the SAR-MPC during 2022 and 2023. The analysis regards the monitoring of the instrument status, the evaluation of the instrument radiometric and geometric accuracy, and the updates of the S-1 Instrument Processing Facility